Parasitosis: What are this, symptoms and treatment

Many people believe that in developed countries there are no problems with parasites, but according to the World Health Organization, about 3 billion people in the world face the problem of parasites, which is almost half the population of the planet.

What is parasitosis

Parasitosis. What is it?

Parasitosis is a concept that covers all diseases caused by various parasites, which in the end can lead to diseases that live at the expense of their owner.

Parasitosis can be divided into different categories depending on the type of parasites:

  1. The simplest organisms (unicelled parasites)
  2. Elmininti (multicellular parasites)
  3. Insects.

In addition, they are divided into two groups depending on their position. If parasites are outside the human body, then they are calledectoparasitiAnd if inside, thenendoparasiti.

Parasites can penetrate various body systems: blood, respiratory, digestive, excretory, cardiovascular, skin, sexual and even nervous, causing a variety of signs of the disease.

Causes and ways of infection

There are many different ways of parasitic infection. For example, it is possible to infect when you eat contaminated food or water, raw meat, low fruit and vegetables.

In addition, there is the possibility of transmitting parasites from one person to another thing happens when hair contacts or when using a headdress of an infected person, for example, in the case of lice.

Sexual relationships can also lead to infection, in particular with anal contact. For example, parasites can remain close to the intestinal exit and lay the eggs there.

Other transmission methods, pets, polluted soil or insects can be found, which can carry parasites such as fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

Young individuals of some worms penetrate the body through the skin and enter the bloodstream, from where they move in the lungs. Then they pass through the respiratory tract in the throat and, finally, fall into the digestive system.

Parasitic infection

Symptoms with parasitosis

Of the main signs of parasitic infection, the following can be distinguished:

  • Sleep disorder (difficulties with falling asleep, teeth in a dream, night incontinence)
  • Skin problems (dry skin, itching, eczema, rashes)
  • Increase in fatigue.
  • Irritation in the intestine (abdominal pain, swelling, constipation)
  • Stomach disorders (cramps, incompatibility with certain products)
  • Inflammation (arthritis, muscles, arms and legs)
  • Unpredictable weight variations.
  • Emotional imbalance (nervousness, stress, depression)
  • Problems with the parental parent system (cysts, prostate problems, menstrual violations)
Symptoms of parasites in the body

First of all, it is important to realize that a parasite is a living creature that uses its owner as a source of energy. Therefore, their presence in the body is always associated with a lack of nutrients and energy. In addition, they release toxic metabolic products that pollute the intestine and the liver, which in turn weaken the immune system.


The detection of parasites is often difficult due to uncertain characteristics, which can also be characteristics of other diseases.

Lice are easy to notice with a normal examination, as they are visible without special devices. If this is not possible, the analysis of the samples in the laboratory is performed. Some types of parasites can be detected in the blood by the presence of antibodies, for example the larvae of the dog chain.

Treatment with parasitosis

The process of eliminating diseases caused by parasites includes different stages:

  1. The first stadiumon which the body is preparing to get rid of the parasites.
  2. The main stage, during which various drugs and drugs are used.
  3. The recovery phase, on which the functions of the organs are restored and the metabolism in the body is normalized.

Detoxification of the intestine- This is the first and most important step to get rid of the parasites, since the cleaning of the colon helps to improve the entire intestinal environment. Consequently, various pathogens, bacteria and mushrooms will no longer be able to find ideal conditions for the habitat in the intestine in the future.

During the active colon cleaning procedure, the old mucus deposits are also eliminated, which are one of the most common shelters for parasites.

All drugs should only be prescribed by the attending physician, since drugs intended to combat parasite diseases have toxic effects and require use in certain doses.

The preparations used for the therapy of parasitic diseases are mainly different depending on the type of parasites. When the infection of the intestine by the nematodes (the main ascarids and the Pinworms are the main ones) use antielmintic drugs. When they are prescribed infected with ribbon worms, or drugs are also used for ants with flat worms.

Medicines against parasites

In addition to the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor, it is also recommended to use natural drugs, these include papaia seeds (eating 5-6 seeds several times a day), fresh garlic and pumpkin seeds. For example, pumpkin seeds contain a special substance that contributes to the destruction of parasites.

There are also popular methods for the treatment of parasitosis. So, for example, the cleaning of the blueberry juice will help to get rid of the simplest parasites. To do this, take 2 liters of water, 40 grams of blueberry juice, add 20 grams of salt and do an enema 2 times a day.

Tincture based on lilac colors will help to get rid of Lambliosis. For the preparation, pour the dry flowers with alcohol and leave for a week. Take before meals.

To combat ascariasis, it is recommended to use the onion decoction. To prepare the infusion, pour the chopped onion with boiling water and insist for 10 hours. Take 100 ml a day for 4-5 days.

The grenade bark is an excellent remedy for parasites, it should be prepared with boiling water and taken 5 ml before meals.

To improve the effectiveness of the treatment, it is recommended to avoid the consumption of sugar and food with a high degree of transformation. It is important to make sure that the diet contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which contributes to healthy digestion and rapid digestibility.


To avoid the appearance of parasites, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Before eating and after visiting the bathroom, you have to wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. When working with the ground or sand, it is necessary to use gloves, as they can contain eggs or parasitic brushes.
  3. To prevent children from licking or kissing animals that have not passed the dejetting procedure.
  4. Before using fresh vegetables and fruit, you need to rinse them deeply.
  5. Avoid the use of raw meat and fish.
  6. When walking in the forest, it is recommended to wear clothes with long sleeves, long trousers and boots.

Frequent questions

What is parasitosis?

Parasitosis is a disease caused by parasites that live inside or on the surface of the human body or animals, which eat and multiply at their expense.

What symptoms can indicate the presence of parasitosis?

Parasitosis symptoms may include fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea, allergic reactions and nerve disorders. However, the symptoms can be varied and depend on the type of parasite.

What are the methods for the treatment of parasitosis?

The treatment of parasitosis may include the intake of antiparasite drugs that destroy parasites in the body. It is also important to respect the rules of hygiene, especially in the food sphere, to prevent infection.

Useful suggestions

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Pay attention to the symptoms of parasitosis, such as constant fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain, allergic reactions and changes in the intestine. In the presence of these symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor for diagnosis.

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Avoid the use of raw meat and fish, drinkable water from unreliable sources and contact with the soil in areas with a high level of infection. These measures will help reduce the risk of parasitic infection.

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When confirmed the diagnosis of parasitosis, follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the treatment. Depending on the type of parasite, you may require disliked drugs, antibiotics or other medicines.